
Friday, November 07, 2014

Complaints during pregnancy and how to cope

Behind the joy of pregnancy, there are a myriad of complaints that you may feel. Does it reduce the discomfort of joy you welcome baby? Absolutely not! Provided you know how to handle it.
People say the woman is incomplete if it did not contain a sense of happiness and being a mother. In fact, through pregnancy feels so complex. Not only the excitement and enthusiasm that feels, but rather a series of complaints between you and other pregnant women.
DR. Dr Dwiana Ocviyanti, SpOG of the Faculty of medicine-RSCM, Jakarta, said that the increase in hormones become the most influential factor on the complaint of pregnant women-especially hormone beta-HCG and progesterone levels and excessive weight gain during pregnancy. "Another thing that also affects the perception of the mother's pregnancy. There are women who are not ready with her pregnancy so that is more sensitive to changes in the conditions he experienced, while there are mothers who are very ready to accept her pregnancy so that it can accept the changes that happen as well without feeling it as a significant disruption, "he said.
Additionally readiness physical condition of pregnant women themselves are also important. Mothers with more fit physical condition will more easily adapt to changes in her condition than those who had not fit since the beginning. This is why pregnant women do not all have the same complaint.
The next question, is it normal complaints?

Under certain conditions, the majority of complaints of pregnant women is still in a normal condition. "If it is very disturbing, you should communicate with your doctor, especially during antenatal care, in order to be given attention to these complaints and resolved," said a doctor who is familiarly called Dr. Ovy.

Here are some of the discomfort that is often felt by pregnant women. Know your body and apply the following steps in order for you free of complaints throughout the nine months of pregnancy and keep the spirit of the day waiting for the birth.

Morning Sickness
One major complaint that appears in the first trimester of pregnancy is morning sickness. Morning sickness is caused due to an increase in levels of the hormone Beta HCG in the blood in the first trimester of pregnancy. Dr Ovy revealed, "These complaints began to appear soon after the pregnancy and began to disappear at 16 weeks of gestation, because at this age the beta HCG hormone function has been replaced by the formation of the placenta of the fetus."

How to deal with complaints:

  • Perform enough activity or if the body on a regular basis.
  • Choose activities that are safe for pregnancy, such as brisk walking or swimming for the familiar. "Regular activity will facilitate the metabolism and hormone beta HCG spending the rest of the body through the urine," said Dr. Ovy.
  • Drinking adequate amounts on a regular basis, at least 2,500 ml daily.
  • Reduce consumption of foods that contain lots of fat. "The decline of bowel movements will cause fat difficult to digest and cause bloating which will increase the nausea due to the presence of beta HCG hormone," he added.
  • In some people, taking supplements B6 or ginger candy can reduce the nausea, but the important thing is is considering three factors above, because without control, drugs and supplements will not be beneficial.
Pain In Breast
In addition to experience morning sickness, pregnant women often feel pain in the breast. "During pregnancy, breast enlargement will indeed suffer as prepared for breastfeeding. Breasts are also noticeably tightened, more sensitive, and sometimes arise stinging or pain, "explained Dr. Gambling Januadi Endjun, SpOG of Gatot Subroto Army Hospital in Jakarta. Developing breast enlarged so you might need a bra size of 2 times larger than its original size. From the breast too, looked at the blood vessels under the skin become apparent, more, and bigger than usual. The nipple and areola are also changing, because of the small glands around the nipples become more prominent, clumping, and discolored. The pain will usually decrease after breast size settled at about 20 weeks gestation.

How to deal with complaints:
  • In the first trimester of pregnancy, check the nipple. If your nipples are flat or go inside, do massage using both index fingers or thumbs. Massage the area around the nipple in the opposite direction toward the bottom of the breast until all the breast area. Do it twice a day for 6 minutes.
  • In the third trimester of pregnancy, the breasts must have been greater and prepared for breastfeeding. Be diligent to clean both the nipple and the surrounding area with a clean towel to soften and remove dirt or crust attached to the nipple.
  • "Wear a tight bra and can support the breasts without pressing it. Use a bra for pregnant and lactating women, "said Dr. Judi.
  • Taking prenatal classes was suggested by Dr. Judi. "In this class of pregnant women will be taught to address all of the changes that pregnancy and labor goes into something fun," she said. In pregnant women prenatal classes also can get information measures and how to massage the breast if the painful deal.

Sense of heartburn (heartburn)
Pregnant women often feel the gut of heat and tingling, especially when the third trimester of gestation. During pregnancy, the hormone progesterone relaxes smooth muscle in the uterus. These hormones relax the valve that separates the participating esophagus and the stomach so that the stomach acid up into the esophagus causing a burning feeling. Other causes, as the pregnancy progresses, the baby meets the abdominal cavity so that stomach acid up the esophagus and irritate the walls. "The risk of heartburn is higher in women who suffer from heartburn," said Dr. Sarsanto W. Sarwono.

How to Overcome Complaints:
  • Eating small, frequent meals. "The way that prevents an empty stomach so that the stomach acid can be neutralized," said Dr. Sarsanto. Chew food properly and do not rush.
  • Avoid fatty foods, sour, spicy, and fried.
  • Do not eat just before bed. Give 2-3 hours for your body to digest food before sleeping.
  • Avoid lying down after eating.
  • Support the head and upper body with a pillow while you sleep to prevent stomach acid up into the esophagus.
  • Wear loose clothing, especially for the waist and stomach area.
  • Keep your weight during pregnancy.
  • "If a complaint is severe, pregnant women should consume antacids (an ulcer drug) counter. The drug is only neutralize stomach acid and is not absorbed by the body, "explains Dr. Sarsanto. However, he added, of the use of drugs during pregnancy should be approved by a doctor

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