
Friday, November 06, 2015

the benefits of honey for babies

Benefits of Honey For Babies - Infants age 0-6 months is not recommended to be given any food intake, food is the best at that age are breastfed.

After age babies over 6 months before babies are given complementary foods ation such as fruit juices and pureed baby are widely available in places such as supermarkets. Once they step on 6 months or older, then the mother can give a little honey intake in infants. This honey can increase appetite in infants, besides honey can also be useful to boost the immune system in infants so that infants are not susceptible to disease such as fever, cough, flu and colds.

I recommend that do not provide direct honey to infants under 6 months of age, because it can endanger the health of infants. According to health experts in America and Europe, infants aged less than 6 months is not recommended to not be given honey intake because it can cause botulism disease. It is not because of the honey itself, but rather because it was feared honey has been terkontiminasi with spores of C botulinum. Honey does have countless benefits for the baby, such as improving brain and eye development, but it can also be scaling up the immune system against bacteria and viruses that can harm health and the respiratory tract in infants.

Honey is a highly nutritious food for infants, besides honey can also be used as a medicine to cleanse the digestive tract and are foods that are soft for the baby. Honey can also be mixed with staple food such as porridge and fruits, it can prevent had prone ailments such as mules and diarrhea in infants.

To treat fever, cough, flu and colds in infants, mothers can mix ½ teaspoon of pure honey with 1 teaspoon of hot water. After a rather cold, give honey to your baby. Perform this treatment two times a day.

In addition, honey also can improve the baby's brain development so that they can more quickly in familiar surroundings seta can improve health and eye acuity in infants. Honey can also accelerate the growth of bones and teeth, so the baby will grow tall and the appearance of the teeth faster.

Well says the benefits of honey for babies, hopefully this information can be useful and good luck.

Thursday, November 05, 2015

9 Food For Children Intelligence

Although the child's intelligence is influenced by internal factors are genetics but several external factors including physical activity, stimulation, nutrition and health also play a part. So for you as a parent if it can help in providing the best nutrition in stimulating the child's intelligence.

Here are 9 food for children's intelligence, namely:
1. Salmon

Fish containing fats such as salmon is the best source of omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA are both important in the growth and development of your child's brain function. Research shows that children who get the intake of omega-3 fatty acids have the ability to think more sharply. According to experts, although tuna contain omega-3 fatty acids, but the salmon more omega 3 than tuna.

2. Eggs

Eggs are an important source of protein which is known relatively cheap and the price is quite affordable. Egg yolks proved to contain choline, a substance that can help the development of memory. You can provide this type of processed egg variations to add your child's appetite.

3. Peanut butter

Peanuts and peanut butter is a good source of vitamin E. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects the nerve cell membrane. The content of thiamin and vitamin E helps the brain and nervous system in use glucose for energy needed by the body shape

4. Whole grains

The brain needs a steady supply of glucose from the body that are constant so that the grain can support the needs of your body with fiber resulting from its seeds. The fiber contained in whole grains will help to regulate the release of glucose in the body. Vitamin B contained in the wheat will keep the functioning of the nervous system to remain healthy.

5. Oats / Oatmeal

Oats are one of the most popular cereals among children and rich in essential nutrients for the brain. Oats are able to provide energy for the brain much needed children, oatmeal is very precise when taken in the morning .Kandungan fiber in oats or oatmeal able to keep your child's health and intelligence. Oats are also a source of vitamin E, vitamin B, zinc and potassium which makes the body and brain function to function optimally.

6. Type Fruit

In general, strong colors contained in cherry, blackberry, strawberry and blueberry contains good nutritional adequacy for intelligence. Group Berries fruit contains high levels of antioxidants, especially vitamin C is capable menangka cancer-causing free radicals. Some research suggests the content of strawberry and blueberry extract is able to improve the function of the power ingata. Besides the seeds of berries are rich in omega-3 fatty acid that is needed in brain health, especially intelligence.

7. Nuts

Beans is special because food snacks of nuts have the energy derived from protein and complex carbohydrates. In addition, nuts contain fiber, vitamins and minerals. Nuts are a good food for your child because the brain can maintain the energy and also the ability to think. According to the research, red beans contain more omega-3 fatty acid than other types of nuts, particularly ALA - asan types of omega-3 important for brain growth and function.

8. colored vegetables

Tomatoes, red sweet potato, pumpkin, carrots, spinach is a vegetable that is rich in nutrients and antioxidants that will keep brain cells healthy. Consuming a variety of vegetables is very important for health despite the fact that children do not like vegetables, for that you can make the processed vegetable snacks from basic ingredients.

9. Milk and Yogurt

Foods derived from dairy products has a high protein content and vitamin B. The content of protein and B vitamins are essential nutrients in perumbuhan brain tissue and enzymes. Consuming milk, processed milk or yogurt also can make the stomach to survive from hunger because of the content of protein and carbohydrates and a source of energy for your child's brain. Studies have found that children and teens need more vitamin D even 10 times the recommended dose. Vitamin D is a vitamin which is also important for the muscles and nervous system of the life cycle of human cells as a whole.

Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Optimize Infant Brain Development with linoleic acid

Balanced nutrients consumed by infants are able to optimize brain development. One of the essential nutrients for a baby's brain is linoleic acid.

Linoleic Acid facts

Including linoleic acid on fat base category
Fatty acids are essential fatty acids to protect the organs
See A-Z

Essential Omega 6.
These nutrients are important for brain development as well as the child's body. Linoleic acid plays a role in cell production, regulate the nervous system
Is a unit of nerve fibers using chemical signals and strengthen

Cardiovaskular system
Cardiovascular relating to the heart and blood vessels ...

The body can not produce linoleic acid itself, because it comes from the intake of nutrients
Nutrients are substances in food that is required by the organism

the mother of consumption.

Source Food For Brain


- Fatty fish, such as tuna and salmon

- Canola oil

- Soya bean oil

- Oil walnuts


Linoleic acid function

- Have an important role for the development and functioning of the brain.

- Influencing the formation of cells in the body.

- Set the nervous system
Nervous System This system is responsible for sending,

- Strengthen the cardiovascular system.

- Building the immune system.

- Helps the body absorb nutrients.


Linoleic acid for the little guy

- 60% of the dry weight of the fetal brain
Fetus or fetuses is the name given to babies composed of fatty acids omega 3 and omega 6
Omega 6 serves to improve the mental development

- Nutrition Adequacy Score (AKG) Indonesia in 2013, advocated a baby at the age of 0-11 months receive intake of 4.4 grams per day of omega 6 and omega of 0.5 grams per day.

Tuesday, November 03, 2015


If the child is at the age of 2 years and can only give a few words, maybe you misgivings. Because when compared with their peers who are already smart spoke one sentence, you feel your child's speech is still lagging.

Mothers who talk late beloved child, trying to calm herself that her son, including children who first smart run rather than talk. However, if the speech delay continues, inevitably you should consult a pediatrician.

The question is whether your child's speech development of normal or slow category? Consider the child's speech development are normal, in accordance with the development of the child's age:

Children before 12 months. Children at this age, give voice to relate to the surrounding environment. Although pronunciations words unclear, but that the early development of speech. Babies at 9 months of age, they begin to combine words like "papa" or "mama". Before 12 months, children should have a sound as wanted something or when you want to communicate. If a baby sees something but did not react to the sound that comes, perhaps we need to be vigilant if there are abnormalities in auditory function.

Children aged 12-15 months. Children this age should have been able to spend one or two words and they have understood its meaning. They also understand when you are communicating with one simple sentence like, "let's we play outdoors"

Children aged 18-24 months. Vocabulary owned children this age about 20 words and will be more than 50 words when they start at the age of 2 years. At the age of 2 years, children begin to learn to combine words such as "working father", "mother's home" or other. Children aged 2 years has also been able to understand two commands at once, such as "please get me the doll and bring it here."

Children aged 2-3 years. At this age, parents are often surprised at the rapid ability to talk to their own children. Vocabulary richer, so too many to count. Children are also increasingly adept at combining two or three words into one sentence.

If it had been stepped on 3 years, children increasingly comprehensive communication capabilities. For instance, being able to distinguish a command like "put under the chair" or "please get stuffed in the back door". Children 3 years of age has also been able to distinguish colors and describe it.

How is your child's ability to speak?

Introduce Infants 6-8 Months with Solid Foods

Complementary solid food in general will be introduced when the baby at the age of six months.

The above is in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) after the baby through the exclusive breastfeeding period. Solid foods should be introduced slowly to the little one, so that the body can adapt well. Useful solid foods to meet nutritional needs

Nutrients are substances in food that is required by the organism ...
See A-Z
complete in the growth and development of the Small.

Indications Baby are Ready to Make the Solid Foods
baby will give a sign when he was ready to eat solid foods. Here is an indication:
- Baby has been able to hold his head.
- Baby was able to sit in the correct position, although perhaps he is not ready to sit in a chair eating special baby.
- It has a good chewing motion
- Experiencing significant weight gain
- Her appetite began to increase
- Start to have the curiosity to what you eat.

Mother Baby Led Led weaning or weaning?
In the early stages of the introduction baby with his first solid food, there are two main ways that an option mother.

The first is to make the little one puree fruits and vegetables, so that the little one is chewing. This method is known as Mother Led weaning (MLW). Where the process of introduction of complementary feeding is done because the Little Mother has been through a period of exclusive breastfeeding, serving and eating time was determined by the mother. Typically, this method is applied because the mother must return to work and feel the little one has not yet had an affinity for eating solid foods.

While the second is a method named Baby Led weaning (BLW), which offer the Baby Mother soft foods (but not used as a puree) with the appropriate piece for the Small. Then serve your child's soft foods and gives the freedom to decide when and how much he wants to eat. This method is relatively simple to let the child eat by themselves at the start of weaning breastfeeding, it should fit when the little one is already showing an interest and desire to eat something.

Prepare Cutlery Little
To facilitate the Mother, various utensils will be very useful when introducing solid foods on the Baby:
- Dining chairs specifically for the Small
- Plastic spoon, so that the little one was not injured gums
- The plates and plastic bowls
- Cloth bibs

Eat Right portion Little
In introducing the first solid food in the Baby, no special portion is the standard. Slowly I will be able to apply for your child's diet. Each child has her eating needs of each. At the age of six months, solid food intake should ideally be a companion of ASI. Mothers should be careful in capturing the signal at a time when the little one already feel full. Some of the things below, it is important to note the mother.

Signs baby still want to eat:
- Open your mouth when fed food
- Hold the food and try to put it into the mouth
- Licking the spoon

Baby sign of the already full:
- Shut your mouth when fed
- Melepehkan food in his mouth
- Discard advance when it will be fed

Smart Saving Tips Little Food
How to store food and hygiene is very important for the health of the Small. The food was not stored properly can invite bacteria
Bacteria Single-celled microorganisms that can live secar ...
See A-Z
which are harmful to the health of the Small. Here are tips for storing baby food:

- Keep baby food in closed containers in a dry and cool
- Thorough expiration date on food packaging
- Do not leave open containers left at room temperature more than two hours, because the temperature of liquid food like this would be a place for bacteria to breed.
- Give the labels on storage containers, write down the date and description of the contents of the container.

Monday, November 02, 2015

When was Baby Can Prone? Or How Age Babies Prone?

His stomach is basic infant development phase commonly traversed by most children before sitting or crawling. The question is when the baby can stomach itself? Or what age can a baby on his prone? Although there is a baby who has begun his prone from the age of 2 months or even one month, but in general can be prone own baby at the age of 3-6 months. That means, the phase prone every baby is different and can not be equated with each other.

There are several factors that affect how a baby A and B do not had proned same time, one of which is influenced by the weight of the baby itself. Usually babies whose weight fat / chubby be difficult to move, so the lazy baby on his prone. In contrast to a baby whose weight is small, even faster on his prone, because the lighter weight.

So, if a friend or neighbor's child at the age of 3 months can stomach itself, while your child at 4 months of age have not been able to prone the excess need not worry because there is still time for a baby to learn his prone. However, if at the time your baby is 6 months old, the baby has not been willing to learn his own stomach, then you should be wary. Especially if your toddler has characteristics as follows:

Baby's hands and feet are not actively engaged.
Hand has not been able to hold on to something.
The head and neck of the baby can not be upright, both during had prone or carried in a standing position.
Babies do not want memiring-tilt his body at all.
Baby weight is not too fat.
Baby train prone

Although there are babies who can independently tengkurep itself, but that does not mean you as a parent do not have to train the baby to his prone. It is recommended to train the baby on his prone so that motor development can be monitored according to age. Here are some ways to train the baby's stomach:

When breast-feeding while you sleep, let your baby reach the breast itself.
Use toys that speak beside the baby to lure move to the right or left.
Help your baby leans, while slightly crossing her legs, her stomach would own.
Get used to put the baby on his stomach even if only briefly, then proned his back as he directed his position correctly.
Accustom the baby to sleep prone can also stimulate the prone own baby.

how to train the baby to sit

Skills good seat certainly takes practice. If you feel your baby is ready to sit down, start to practice. Here's how:

Train the body balance. A balance is needed so that the baby can sit up perfectly. You can start with the way the baby lay, and then gently pull both hands, until he sits. You can also get the baby in a way sat her on his lap, with a little sustain strong back yet. Let him feel the balance. Or try another way: the baby's put in the corner sofa- -or corner for a few seconds.
Study the function of tiny hands. After the baby is accustomed, left corner of the sofa! Do not until he felt it was the only seat in the world. Sit your baby without support. Point your tiny hand in order to lean forward to help it support the body by using one or both hands. Supervise your child should not be overturned. If necessary provide a cushion around them.

Stimulate the use of both hands while sitting so that he learns to sit perfectly. Avoid too ambitious for the child should be able to. Initially maybe he will use only one hand to respond to your stimuli. Keep going until your baby can sit up perfectly without the help of hands.

Fixing the position of the seat. Once he can sit up unaided hand, train your baby so that he could sit with his back and head held high. Train also to move both hands freely.

No need to panic, just need to be vigilant:
In general, the baby can lift and hold the head at the age of 3-4 months. If he has not been able to lift her head up straight at the age of 6 months, consult a specialist because there is the possibility of your baby impaired in skeletal muscle.
If the child has not been able to keep the balance at the age of .... month. The causes vary, but the regulator senses disturbances in the balance or vestibular organs in the ears should receive attention first. Health check of your baby's ear.
If you have a medical history that is associated with muscle dystrophies or Marfan syndrome, need to check the health of your baby regularly to detect symptoms of abnormalities in skeletal muscle or connective tissue as soon as possible.

Sunday, November 01, 2015

how to take care of the umbilical cord in newborns

Cleaning and maintaining the umbilical cord is one scary for first-time mothers who have a baby. No need to fear, caring for the umbilical cord is not too difficult, especially if the umbilical cord is dry and clean.

Basically, the umbilical cord can be left open or not needs to be closed gauze and should be kept in a dry state. Importantly, always wash your hands before performing cord care.

Steps cord care:

During the umbilical cord is not loose (generally 5-21 days), the baby does not need too frequently washed immediately. Pretty wiped with a soft terry cloth dipped in warm water. This is to keep the umbilical cord is not moist and stays dry
If washed, the area should be carefully dried umbilical cord, do not let water content remaining
Normally the umbilical cord of newborns, not sticky and clean. However, if there are parts that look wet and sticky in the area of ​​meeting the umbilical cord and the baby's stomach, can be cleaned with a cotton ball that has been sterilized alcohol 70%
Wrap the cord with sterile gauze
Be careful while wearing clothes, keep your baby's diaper and pants are not the umbilical cord area does not arise irritation
DO NOT cover the cord with tape, baby octopus or some sort of elastic mesh that can only cause irritation
DO NOT clean or maintain the umbilical cord using iodine, antiseptic ointment or any kind of medication without a doctor's recommendation
Caution and immediately contact your doctor, if:

Pus found in the umbilical cord and smell, as well as the base of the umbilical cord or the skin around the umbilical cord visible redness and swelling. Please suspicious, too, if your child always cries whenever umbilical cord area touched by the finger.

4 Ways to Take Care of Newborn Meticulously

Caring for a newborn into a very happy experience for new parents. New role as a mother in addition to encouraging sometimes also raises concerns. During the mother followed the care instructions midwife or doctor, there is no need to worry. One thing to consider when caring for a baby is cautious, careful and not to panic.
There are several important concern that needs to be known in connection with newborn care at home. Habits that need to be known in order to provide the best care for the baby include:
1. Newborns do not need to wear an octopus.
Baby care with octopus wearing now slowly becoming obsolete. Use of baby octopus on it will suppress the baby's abdomen and makes the baby breathing difficulties. Had the mother wanted to keep wearing the octopus should bond to be loose. Do not worry that the baby's umbilical cord will be shifted and worried the baby would be in pain.
Use of the octopus that is too tight it will put pressure on the stomach and make the baby uncomfortable. In addition, the baby is also growing organs. Mother worried about the baby's stomach to be bloated? No need to worry. No baby bloating due to not use as a baby octopus.
In infants, it is the muscles of the abdominal wall is still strong and very flexible, so that sometimes appear larger. Along with the growth and movement of babies increasingly active muscles baby's body will be faster and when it started to crawl and walk naturally baby's stomach will be much faster because there is movement and activity.
How to care umbilical cord latest, the umbilical cord should be left open without wrapped gauze pads and enough rubbing alcohol while in the hospital. Furthermore, at home every disabuni bath and cleaned. What if later bulging navel for not wearing an octopus? The new navel base off sometimes appear to emerge little natural thing, unless conditions are severe umbilical hernia, it is necessary for a referral to a pediatrician for further medical treatment. After taking care of the umbilical cord does not need to be plastered coins to prevent not bulging.
2. Treatment of infants with swaddling
Newborns do require warmth, but not by wrapping it tightly with swaddling cloth. When you want to give warmth, should not be too tight folds. Strongly recommended for a more frequent freeing of swaddling the baby so the baby can move freely. Treat infants with swaddling cloth wrap becomes a habit that some parents in addition to warmth as well because they are worried when they see the baby as there are reflex surprised or in medical language called hynogogic startles.
Reflex movements such surprised looks at the baby's hands and feet such as seizures and shaking, but only a few seconds. This is normal and will disappear on their own when a baby enters the age of 3 months. How to cope provide warmth and comfort to embrace, laying hands on the mother's chest the baby gently if surprised by a loud noise and improve his position so comfortable. Probably, a mother worried about her baby legs bent. No need to worry. Newborn's feet tend to form somewhat twisted and bent.
The position of the feet when the newborn is still not be straight with respect to the position of the baby in the womb. Slowly later the foot will return to normal position. Unless there are abnormalities in the shape of bones, of course midwife will inform ways of further treatment. Attention to heat the baby should not be swaddled, it will increase body temperature, and the baby will be crowded because it can not breathe freely. Mother's arms and legs should be freed from the bonds of swaddling infants when breastfeeding so the baby can also be in contact with his mother. Physical contact is very important for babies.

3. The use of baby powder.
Newborns should not be given the powder all over the body after bathing. The risk of inhalation of fine powder from the powder will enter the lungs and interfere with breathing -paru baby. If you really want to give the powder should use solid powder with a soft sponge. Simply wipe thin in the groin area, folds under the knees, armpits, and neck.
Keep your baby while bathing with soap underarm area and neck folds it carefully. It would be better if the baby's skin after each bath the baby is not given powder or talk at all. Baby care after urination and defecation by sowing the powder in the buttocks or genitals is not recommended anymore. Sowing powder will actually accumulate dirt on baby's genital area and easy going blisters or irritation. The pores of the baby's skin is very sensitive and need air circulation, especially in the area of ​​the buttocks and genitals were covered. Each baby is urinating or defecating simply wipe with cotton wool soaked in warm water and dry with a soft towel.
4. The use diapers safe.
Preferably, infant care use cloth diapers are made from soft cotton. When forced to use diapers while traveling, you should often be considered pampers conditions. Replace any wet. The best suggestion is to use cloth diapers from soft cotton. In addition to eco-friendly cloth diapers are also safe for babies. Babies avoid the risk of allergies and infections and diaper rash. Warm greetings may be useful.
Congratulations to undergo the role of being a new mom

How to breastfeeding premature newborn baby

The breastfeeding mothers often encounter problems that could have been avoided, but many governance in Hospital it difficult for the mother and baby to successfully carry out the process of breastfeeding well. It becomes more difficult when it turns out the baby is born prematurely, whereas premature babies in desperate need of breastfeeding and need to breastfeed more often than babies born at term. The mothers with premature babies still get help with "techniques" developed in the era 1960-1970an. ASI, especially breastfeeding, not the top priority in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, intensive care for newborns). Unfortunately, even after such a long time we learn how best to help mothers and babies in the nursing process, NICU still can not accept this way. Even some of the new techniques are applied only makes the situation worse.
Some Myths about Premature Babies and Breastfeeding Process

1. Premature Babies need to enter the incubator
Premature babies, even though very little is actually more in need of skin contact with the mother (or father) rather than put in the incubator. Evidence suggests that the metabolism of a premature baby (or babies with special needs) is much more stable when attached / skin contact with the mother. Baby breath more stable, more relaxed and calm, more normal blood pressure, blood sugar levels as well as their skin temperature was better. All this happened when they were treated with the method Kangaroo (Kangaroo Mother Care) that perform skin contact between mother and baby most of the day. Even mothers who do this Kangaroo method can produce more breast milk, she can breastfeed her baby more quickly and the baby will suckle better. A document from the WHO to discuss it at length with various references.

2. All premature babies need extra intake (fortifier)
Actually, the majority of premature babies do not require an additional intake. If the mother is able to express the milk, infants weighing 1,500 grams (infants with gestational age of 32 weeks weighs in the range of 1500 grams, although there are some exceptions) can grow well only with breast milk alone, with the possible addition of vitamin D or phosphorus, perhaps.
"Needs" will be an additional intake seakanmenjadi sort of scripture engraved in the inscription. Many (if not called majority) NICU implement a policy that all premature babies should grow in level and the same speed, as if they were not born early. There is strong evidence showing that babies grow faster (with an additional intake-editor) will soon have problems such as the levels of "bad" cholesterol is higher, higher blood pressure, immunity to insulin (which may be an early symptom of diabetes 2), and obese) compared to premature babies who are breastfed. Research was conducted on three groups of premature babies: those that direct nursing, nursing groups directly and got donor breast milk, and the group given an additional intake of milk with formula. This latter group are growing faster and bigger, but there is a price that must be paid at a later date.
How to give a baby without any additional intake? First of all, some babies do need additional intake, the baby is very, very tiny and infants whose mothers can not remove enough milk. Currently there is an additional intake made from human milk (ASI), unfortunately quite difficult to obtain and is relatively expensive. Although there is no reason that an additional intake should be made from cow's milk. However the majority of premature babies do not require additional intake because they have a heavy 'enough'.
Many NICU apply the rule that babies can only accept a certain amount of fluid a day. Usually in the range of 150-180 ml / kg / day, or even less. If the baby is infused, oral fluids even further reduced. Fluid restriction is reasonable when for example the baby on a ventilator (ventilator). Too much water can cause heart failure and closing the ventilatornya. As a result of the restrictions (intake) of liquid plus the assumption "still have to grow as the baby in the womb" generates the need for additional intake / fortifier.
There I learned when I worked in Africa. One way to avoid 'need' for additional intake in premature infants turns out is by giving them more milk than is 'allowed' in the NICU. True, physically African babies is not like babies in the NICU developed countries are larger, healthier and require less assistance breathing for survival. But as people who believe in the law "infants should grow as if he was still in the womb" at that time, I (Jack Newman) increase the amount of milk (ASI) to above 150-180 ml / kg / day, sometimes even 300 ml / kg / day and the babies are fine and are growing well. So that breastfeeding is not too much at any time, the milk is dripped directly into his mouth on an ongoing basis, by shedding a few times in one time.

There is the possibility of adding the intake in addition to breast milk, depending on the levels of what is lacking in the blood of infants. The addition of vitamin D, phosphorus, calcium, even a human protein (albumin) and human milk fat (of donor breast milk) is possible without having to use fortifier. It could be said fortifier is thinning, given the lower the concentration of all the elements (the ASI) which makes special and unique breast milk.

3. Premature babies can not be attached to the breast when not aged 34 weeks (gestation)
This is absolutely not true. During (I-Jack Newman) working in the NICU Breastfeeding friendly, especially in Sweden, (I've seen) premature babies may reach the breast even babies born at 28 weeks gestation though. In premature infants born at 30 weeks also they can attach and suckle directly from the breast. Some babies (new) who was born at 32 weeks can suckle even full. Full breastfeeding means feeding directly at the breast alone, without the help of breastfeeding over bottle or hose. Use Kangaroo method, and introduces the breast as soon as possible after birth increases the chances of babies are breastfed full. This method can be done anywhere
Of course, every baby is unique and different. Some babies may require a longer time, depending on whether they are experiencing problems in the respiratory system, or there are other medical indications. However there is a benchmark that is very unfortunate for premature babies feeding is done through the bottle until the baby is aged 34 weeks (gestation) and then introduced to her mother's breast.
Take a look at the following article, or refer to your pediatrician at the following article:
Nyqvist K. The development of preterm infants' breastfeeding behavior. Early
Human Development; 1999; 55: 247-264
Nyqvist K. Early Attainment of breastfeeding competence in very preterm infants, Acta Paediatrica 2008; 97: 776-781
4. Mothers of premature babies should use nipple shields so that the baby can attach well and can suckle well
This of course is not true. Based on my experience in Africa largely (in fact, we never) use nipple shields, as well as experience working in the NICU in other countries such as Sweden. Nyqvist, the second article tells been handling babies born between 26-31 weeks gestation and only a fraction are using a nipple shield. The result almost all the baby home from the hospital has been able to suckle directly from the breast. Different condition to what happened in the NICU in North America. There is little babies are already able to suckle directly from the breast when they are out of the hospital (formerly the most good that breastfed infants through a bottle while rarely put the baby to the mother's breast).
The real key is to be patient (and take the time) to teach the baby to know the breast properly. It does require a longer time than mothers using nipple shields, but the long-term benefit is worth. Nipple shields actually result in reduced milk production, which makes the process separated from the nipple shield to be very difficult (see the information sheet If Baby Could Not Attached to the breast).
How to help a premature baby is attached to the breast is almost the same as the baby is old enough. See the information sheet When Fitted and watch video clips d Video-video clips (does) not show premature babies, but the attachment process in principle remains the same.

5. Premature babies need (need) a bottle in order to learn to suck properly
I do not know what to say about this. This myth is totally wrong. Premature babies can learn to suck naturally, does not need to be taught with the bottle. And this, again, apply anywhere in the world. Often, the mother and the baby is premature to hasten out of the hospital with the 'advice' that the baby will go home sooner if the baby using a bottle. This is not the right way to help the mother and baby. In any case, the baby did not need the bottle to learn to suckle. Kangaroo Method implement and introduce the baby to the breast immediately by ignoring the 'benchmark magic' 34 weeks (gestation) would help avoid this situation. Besides

6. Premature babies are more tired when it is attached to the breast
This is believed to be a myth that is true for all babies, not just premature babies alone, tend to fall asleep at the breast when the flow of milk is slow, especially in the first few weeks. When the baby is given the milk in the bottle, because the flow is fast, the baby woke up and suck it firmly. Erroneous conclusions that arise? Baby fatigue in breast because direct feeding is hard work while drinking with a bottle much easier.
Premature babies often can not adhere well, due in part to the way we teach poor adhesion. Through good adhesion, using pressure (or compression) of the breast, and if necessary, use the tools as an aid to breastfeed on the breast, the baby will get a good flow of milk so as not to fall asleep while feeding at the breast. Improve the flow of breast milk, you will see that breastfeeding is not at all difficult and tiring for infants (premature).

7. Test weight (weigh the baby before and after nursing / receive intake) is a good way to know how much milk the baby is drinking
Test weight assume that we know what is supposed to be the baby in breast milk. How can we know, whereas the rules so that baby weight and age so had to get x amount of milk, based on a formula-fed baby in a bottle?

Then how can we say how much has been earned if the baby has been attached properly, with mothers using compression techniques in the breast, especially if breastfeeding is limited to a particular time or scheduled, for example 10 or 20 minutes (due to concerns that the baby fatigue)?
The best way to find out whether the baby get enough milk from the breast is by watching how a baby when feeding from the breast. Take a look at the video clips on the site

8. Premature infants should still obtain additional intake (fortifier) ​​despite being home from the hospital
This is a new idea that could interfere with a mother who was trying to breastfeed a premature baby. Perhaps someone once presented a paper at the conference showed babies have more weight if the intake of additional (non ASI) continued even after discharge from hospital. However, once again, more is not necessarily better and feeding is more important than adding more weight, which is not necessarily better. See additional information on intake (non ASI) above.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

the correct way to breastfeed a newborn baby

Soon after childbirth, you can help build the supply of milk and avoid some of the problems that might arise at the beginning of the first lactation by embracing baby (preferably skin contact with the skin) so that the baby has full access to your breast, or breast-feeding as soon as possible or let the baby suck the breast as often as possible. Most newborns are generally ready and interested in feeding or sucking breast during the first hour after delivery. Take advantage of this moment to start feeding. Research shows that breastfeeding frequently and are not restricted to help prevent breast augmentation pain and allow the formation of a milk supply in large quantities.

Breast-feeding for the first time is something special. You and the baby began to know each other and begin to form a synchronous interaction and beautiful that is characteristic of breastfeeding. If you have never breastfed before, this feeding technique may seem daunting and confusing at first. Rest assured that breastfeeding skills will improve with the passage of time and increasing experience.

Here are some tips that you can do when you first breastfeeding:

Feed your baby as soon as possible after birth. Most babies are awake and more interested in feeding for one hour after birth compared to eight or 24 hours later.

· - Feed the newborn in an Environmental calm and quiet. This kind of environment will help you feel relaxed and lets you focus on the baby and breastfeeding.

· - For menysusui the first time, you can do so in the company of only a family member or friend that you really like. Ask your husband to invite other guests to get out while you are breastfeeding so that you can have privacy when you start to learn the benefits of breastfeeding

· - Take advantage of the help of experienced nursing staff if you have not experienced or if you feel confident enough, you ask to be left alone.

· - Find a comfortable position with your back propped well. Use pillows to prop up arms and the baby. If you have a cesarean, breastfeeding may first need samapai delayed more than an hour after delivery, and you might need some extra help.

types of errors that often new mothers does when breastfeeding

10 types of errors that often do new mothers when breastfeeding:

1. Split of the baby after giving birth
You certainly know the program early initiation of breastfeeding. The program is being aggressively undertaken to improve the bond between mother and child. Unfortunately, there are no doctors or nurses who do not really care about this program. They will immediately bring the baby to the nursery, so that the mother does not have a chance to do bonding with the baby.

Well, unless there are medical reasons that babies separated from their mothers, keep the baby stay with you. In addition to facilitating the practice of breastfeeding, early initiation of breastfeeding program will also improve the baby's immune system. Say clearly to Obgyn (obstetrician) you and the sisters who will help the delivery, that you want to do IMD.

"Once the baby is born, ask the sisters to put the little one on your chest," said Grauer. "Warm the body. The new baby through an amazing process, and it requires a heartbeat and your voice to feel safe. Before birth, the baby feel warm for 24 hours a day. If you just hold it for 12 hours, meaning the quota is reduced by half. Let you see from the perspective of the baby. "

2. Stick to the wrong side
The baby's mouth should open wide so that he does not just suck the nipple, but also areas of your breast. If the baby is not attached properly, he will not get all the milk they need, while also complained of sore nipples. "Tickling the area between the nose and mouth with your nipple," Grauer advice. "This could make the baby open his mouth wider. Then move him onto the breast quickly. You would be surprised how big the difference is. "

3. So the stress when the feeding session is not running smoothly
Not all mothers will immediately issue a breast milk. Some women have to learn it first, so does the baby. If the experiment first, second, third, and so on, is not immediately successful, do not be stressed.

"Babies need you to be quiet," said Grauer. "Take a deep breath and slowly. When the baby becomes restless, you have to calm. Babies do not face a problem, really. He was just frustrated. The more you are calm, the easier it is to calm him down, too. "

4. Finding the right position for breastfeeding
No need anymore lah, learn and practice the ideal position for breastfeeding. Some specific position may be advantageous for the mother, but the feeding position was nothing to worry about. "That is a concept that has been presented to us. Importantly, you feel comfortable, then put the baby on your chest. Head under your chin, and his stomach on top of your stomach. The baby will move itself to the breast, then you both will find the right position, "said Grauer.

5. Do not get support
If you are always surrounded by negative influences, seek positive support. If you do not have close friends or family who have a good breastfeeding experience, look for new mothers fellow community nursing mothers. Support from mother to mother will be very significant when you've brought your baby home.

6. Making a baby feeding schedule
"Babies have needs, not wants," said Grauer. That is, the baby will want to suckle when hungry. So, offer your breast, because breastfeeding is not a food problem. Feeding schedules imposed on the newborn is like trying to herd cats. It will not be successful, and will only make you and the baby in frustration.

7. Give the milk bottle or pacifier too soon
Either because the husband wants to feel provide milk for the baby, or you need to relax with your friends, occasionally baby can also get an alternative to your breast. But make sure breastfeeding is going well before introducing the baby on artificial nipple as a pacifier.

If you can give three or four weeks of the first to introduce the feeding session, you will be able to offer a pacifier or bottle at any time, as long as breastfeeding goes smoothly, "said Grauer. When introduced too quickly, the baby will forget about breastfeeding earlier.

8. Stop breastfeeding because they have to work longer
All mothers must leave her baby weight, when maternity leave was over. In addition, you will also find new challenges, like finding a clean and quiet place to pump breast milk, and coordinate all day. Do not quickly give up this challenge.

"Talking with the boss will be very helpful," said Grauer. "He may have a solution where you can pump breast milk. Tops also will better understand when you should leave the meeting prematurely. "

9. Not confident
"My biggest mistake was always doubting myself about the decision to breastfeed," said Jennifer M., a mother in Chicago. This will only lead to bad experiences, such as new mothers are anxious and exhausted, and the baby crying without you knowing why.

10. Too rapid weaning
There are mothers who can only breastfeed for 2 months, some are breastfeeding their infants up to 3 years old. It all depends on you and the baby. Any amount of breast milk, it is beneficial for you and your baby. When it was time to wean, you will know yourself. "I'm happy because I did not ignore other people's advice about weaning, and let it happen naturally," said Jenna G, a mother in Boston, newly weaned when her son was 3 years old.